DepthFeatures Object

Here is the shape of the DepthFeatures object.

    "jobId": <Well Data Labs unique id for this job>
    "wellName": <well name for this job>
    "api": <api number for this job>
    "stageNumber": <stage number for this job>
    "feature": <Plug, Perforations or Sleeve>
    "name": <name of the depth feature>
    "ordinal": <ordinal value of the depth feature>
    "topMeasuredDepth": <top measured depth for this depth feature>
    "bottomMeasuredDepth": <bottom measured depth for this depth feature>
    "depthUnit": <unit of measured depth>
    "clusters": <number of clusters for this perforation feature>
    "shotDensity": <shot density for this perforation feature>
    "shotDensityUnit": <unit of shot density>
    "shotCount": <shot count for this perforation feature>
    "phasing": <phasing for this perforation feature>
    "portSize": <port size for this sleeve feature>
    "portSizeUnit": <unit of port size>
    "ballSize": <ball size for this sleeve feature>
    "ballSizeUnit": <unit of ball size>
    "seatID": <seat inner diameter for this sleeve feature>
    "diameter": <diameter for this plug feature>
    "diameterUnit": <unit of diameter size>

Here are some examples of how each type of DepthFeatures object is populated.

        "jobId": "82376c1f-0948-4bf8-a379-3e9c6d692e36",
        "wellName": "Demo Well Q",
        "api": "00-563-12346-00-",
        "stageNumber": 1,
        "feature": "Perforations",
        "name": "Std Perf Gun",
        "ordinal": 1,
        "topMeasuredDepth": 12722.49,
        "bottomMeasuredDepth": 12722.45,
        "depthUnit": "feet",
        "clusters": 1,
        "shotDensity": 9,
        "shotDensityUnit": "shotsperfoot",
        "shotCount": 5,
        "phasing": 45,
        "portSize": null,
        "portSizeUnit": null,
        "ballSize": null,
        "ballSizeUnit": null,
        "seatID": null,
        "diameter": null,
        "diameterUnit": null
        "jobId": "82376c1f-0948-4bf8-a379-3e9c6d692e36",
        "wellName": "Demo Well Q",
        "api": "00-563-12346-00-",
        "stageNumber": 2,
        "feature": "Plug",
        "name": "Std Plug",
        "ordinal": 1,
        "topMeasuredDepth": 12722.49,
        "bottomMeasuredDepth": 12722.45,
        "depthUnit": "feet",
        "clusters": null,
        "shotDensity": null,
        "shotDensityUnit": null,
        "shotCount": null,
        "phasing": null,
        "portSize": null,
        "portSizeUnit": null,
        "ballSize": null,
        "ballSizeUnit": null,
        "seatID": null,
        "diameter": 10,
        "diameterUnit": "inches"
        "jobId": "82376c1f-0948-4bf8-a379-3e9c6d692e36",
        "wellName": "Demo Well Q",
        "api": "00-563-12346-00-",
        "stageNumber": 1,
        "feature": "Sleeve",
        "name": "Std Sleeve",
        "ordinal": 1,
        "topMeasuredDepth": 12722,
        "bottomMeasuredDepth": 12722,
        "depthUnit": "feet",
        "clusters": null,
        "shotDensity": null,
        "shotDensityUnit": null,
        "shotCount": null,
        "phasing": null,
        "portSize": 14,
        "portSizeUnit": "sqinches",
        "ballSize": 111,
        "ballSizeUnit": "inches",
        "seatID": 11,
        "diameter": null,
        "diameterUnit": null

HTTP Response Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Successful request and data was returned in the body
202 The request was successful but the system is building summary data for the job. This can take a few minutes. Try the request again.
400 JobId or APINumber not valid or missing.
404 No results found. Note that the endpoint was found, we just didn't find any data matching the criteria.
500 Unexpected error


A GET request to the base endpoint with no Id parameter will return an array of DepthFeature objects for the 10 most recent jobs.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="


A GET request that includes a list of one or more Id parameters will return an array of DepthFeature objects for all jobs that match the given Ids. Each Id can be either a well API Number or a Well Data Labs Job Id or Well Id. If any of the Ids represent the same job, only one instance of the DepthFeatures object is returned.

Multiple DepthFeature objects might be returned for a single well API Number if multiple jobs exist for that well. It's possible to have more than one job (multiple fracs or a refrac) for a single well.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
Id Parameters

Id Description
API Number Well API Number; e.g. 00-563-12346-00-
JobId Well Data Labs assigned Job Id; e.g. 82376c1f-0948-4bf8-a379-3e9c6d692e36
WellId Well Data Labs assigned Well Id; e.g. 1fb25c4e-88f1-402a-8877-9a2a49960ec7


A GET request to the base endpoint with optional fromChangeUtc and toChangeUtc parameters will return an array of DepthFeature objects for the 1000 most recently created or modified in the given timeframe.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
Change Date Parameters*

Parameter Description
fromChangeUtc={datetime} Returns results for all jobs with changes greater than or equal to this parameter value.
toChangeUtc={datetime} Returns results for all jobs with changes less than or equal to this parameter value.
fromChangeUtc={datetime}&toChangeUtc={datetime} Returns results for all jobs with changes between and including the fromChangeUtc and toChangeUtc.
*The ChangeUtc parameters include milliseconds. Parameter values will be matched to the millisecond. If not all expected results are returned, increase or decrease the parameter value by one second.


A GET request to the base endpoint with optional fromStageNumber and toStageNumber parameters will return an array of DepthFeature objects for the 10 most recent jobs and match the given stage numbers.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
Stage Number Parameters

Parameter Description
fromStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages greater than or equal to this parameter value.
toStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages less than or equal to this parameter value.
fromStageNumber={number}&toStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages between and including the stages fromStageNumber and toStageNumber.