
Proppant Object

Here is the shape of the Proppant object.

    "jobId": <Well Data Labs unique id for this job>
    "stageNumber": <stage number for this job>
    "name": <name of the proppant>
    "mass": <mass of the proppant>
    "massUnit": <mass unit of the proppant>
    "material": <material of the proppant>
    "meshSize": <mesh size of the proppant>
    "totalProppantDesign": <total proppant design>
    "totalProppantDesignUnit": <total proppant design unit>
    "avgConcentration": <average concentration of the proppant>
    "avgConcentrationUnit": <average concentration unit of the proppant>
    "maxConcentration": <max concentration of the proppant>
    "maxConcentrationUnit": <max concentration unit of the proppant>

Here is a fully populated Proppant object.

    "jobId": "be9b1ff9-34b2-43bb-bf9a-aec7f77770ee",
    "stageNumber": 1,
    "name": "Premium White 20/40",
    "mass": 209190,
    "massUnit": "lbs",
    "material": "Premium White",
    "meshSize": "20/40",
    "totalProppantDesign": 1000,
    "totalProppantDesignUnit": "lbpergal",
    "avgConcentration": 1.25,
    "avgConcentrationUnit": "lbpergal",
    "maxConcentration": 2.25,
    "maxConcentrationUnit": "lbpergal"
    "jobId": "be9b1ff9-34b2-43bb-bf9a-aec7f77770ee",
    "stageNumber": 1,
    "name": "Common 100 Mesh",
    "mass": 11845,
    "massUnit": "lbs",
    "material": "Sand",
    "meshSize": "100",
    "totalProppantDesign": 1000,
    "totalProppantDesignUnit": "lbpergal",
    "avgConcentration": 1.88,
    "avgConcentrationUnit": "lbpergal",
    "maxConcentration": 2.25,
    "maxConcentrationUnit": "lbpergal"

HTTP Response Status Codes

Status Code Description
200 Successful request and data was returned in the body
400 JobId not valid or missing.
404 No results found. Note that the endpoint was found, we just didn't find any data matching the criteria.
500 Unexpected error


A GET request that includes JobId will return an array of Proppant objects that match the given JobId.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="


A GET request to the base endpoint with optional fromStageNumber and toStageNumber parameters will return an array of Proppant objects that match the given stage numbers.

curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer b+S15uKWEK0lFU+NomEmvekn8yk/ALTTBAYOJalVKrI="
Stage Number Parameters

Parameter Description
fromStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages greater than or equal to this parameter value.
toStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages less than or equal to this parameter value.
fromStageNumber={number}&toStageNumber={number} Returns results for all stages between and including the stages fromStageNumber and toStageNumber.